WIT Press

Operating A Drip Irrigation System In Different Types Of Soil







Page Range

105 - 116




298 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


Ibtisam R. Kareem, H. A. Omran & Riyam S. Hassan


The drip irrigation method is the best method that has been used in the world among the other irrigation methods because of its good and high uniformity. To achieve the goals of using a drip irrigation system, it must be designed and operated properly so that rates and location of delivery of water in the root zone is matched to crop requirements. Generally, the criteria for a drip irrigation system operation are based on soil texture classes. Soil wetting is one of the most important parameters to determine the deep percolation rate and efficiency of the system. Knowledge of soil wetting pattern and its movement plays a large role in deciding depth and space of pipes, the design of irrigation scheduling and improving the efficiency of the drip irrigation system. The objective of this study is to develop an approach to operating the drip irrigation system in sandy and clay soils by improving the preparation of a computerized method of operating of high workability regarding the type of crops, its consumptive use, type of soil, frequency of irrigation and water distribution in the network .The study adopts two approaches as follows: field work approach and theoretical approach. In field work approach, soil analysis to physical conditions and chemical properties that affect a soil quality as well as suitability for growing plants. To observe the performance of this system, a study was conducted in an engineering laboratory of soil tests. For the theoretical approach a well known piece of software called CROPWAT was used for the calculation of crop water requirements and irrigation requirements based on soil, climate and crop data. Measurements of the conceptive use, discharge, velocity, wetted soil width, wetted soil depth, frequency of irrigation for the two types of soil with silt content were calculated. Keywords: drip irrigation, CROPWAT software, wetting depth, wetting width.


drip irrigation, CROPWAT software, wetting depth, wetting width