WIT Press

Evaluation Of The Urban Regulations By Three-dimensional Modelling: The District Of Providencia In Santiago, Chile


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WIT Press


D. Wurman & H. Torrent


This paper presents a methodological approach for the evaluation of the urban regulation and its application to a real case in the district of Providencia in Santiago, Chile. As opposed to the traditional textual-discursive and two-dimensional elaboration of the urban regulation, the digital instruments allow an immediate verification of the generated volumes, as well as the alternatives of variation and contradictions that it contains. The three-dimensional modelling is used as an instrument capable of showing efficiently the immediate verification of the instruments proposed within the urban changes and dynamics. It also offers the possibility of generating the norm itself from a sequence of procedures that gathers the dynamics of transformation and models them like a series of possible situations. Considering that all urban norms have a pretension and formal result, the methodological approach proposed starts from the shape and the dynamics for the creation of the norm. This paper will show particularly the three-dimensional model of the norms on the existing property layout, and the volumes that it proposes in relation to the property division and its variation (property fusion, highly frequent condition in the cities of the developing countries), and evaluates its effects according to the site coverage, plot area ratio, and setback. The three-dimensional modelling of the volumes generated by the regulation was made using the software AutoCad, 3dStudio, FormZ, Excel, and its linkings. Keywords: urban regulation, three-dimensional modelling, urban dynamics, urban transformation, visual analysis, norm, normative.


urban regulation, three-dimensional modelling, urban dynamics,urban transformation, visual analysis, norm, normative.