WIT Press

Investigation Of The Perturbing Natural Frequencies Through An Evolutionary Material Trimming Process


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WIT Press


Y.-M. Chen & C. Hsiao


Almost all engineering structures are designed by taking both structural static and structural dynamics aspects into consideration. Structure performances are further improved today by invoking technology from the field of optimisation. However, optimisation of engineering structures is usually performed by separating the static and dynamic objectives. In the static sense, the common objectives are to reduce structural weight, to increase the structural stiffness and/or minimise peak stress. Optimisation with dynamic objectives are usually interested in controlling the structural natural frequency and minimising the vibration. This paper investigates the structural dynamics characteristics of a topologically optimised cantilever beam. The cantilever beam has been selected for this study for its well known substructures in many applied engineering structures. This paper attempts to investigate the perturbation process of the fundamental natural frequency of an evolving cantilever structure while undergoing topology optimisation. Topology optimisation is commonly performed with the removal of unwanted material from an initial oversized and predefined design space. This paper seeks to investigate the corresponding changes in the structural natural frequencies subjected to evolutionary trimming of unwanted materials. Keywords: vibration analysis, natural frequency, evolutionary, topology optimisation, material removal, nodal based, material trimming. 1 Introduction A typical engineering design process involves evaluating a conceptual design against all required criteria and functional requirements. The cycle of redesign


vibration analysis, natural frequency, evolutionary, topology optimisation, material removal, nodal based, material trimming.