WIT Press

Floating Common Foundations For Multiple Building Structures (FCF-MBS)


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WIT Press


N. E. Myridis & E. N. Myridis


In this endeavor we proclaim a new insight into the thematic of protecting constructions against earthquakes. In this context, we develop a hopeful initiative point of view for the foundation of multilevel buildings. Thus we proceed in the restructuring of foundations of buildings composing district (urban) blocks. The principal statement of this rethinking consists of the transition from the part to the whole and results in the formation of Floating Common Foundation in relevance to Multiple Building Structures (FCF-MBS). The overall gain and advantage of this effort is the reduction of seismic stress by a critical factor N. The factor expresses the participation fraction of each distinct building into the compact block. Advantages and feasibility of the method with the assumption of secondary constructive agents are also cited. The evaluation of the work elucidates the points of FCF-MBS and efficiently illustrates the benefits of it. Keywords: floating foundation, common foundation, seismic voxel, seismic differential, seismic arc. 1 Introduction The challenging of earthquakes is one of the more ancient on Earth, with relative heavy loss of humane lives. Therefore the hopeful solutions of the earthquake frame might be equivalently enormous and huge according to their design and consequent implementation. Earthquakes originate the field of sciences which assumes the framework of protective shield against the power of nature. Although it is common place that traditionally the object of such a transaction falls into the matter of civil engineering, the impact of diverse scientific areas on the previous framework is


floating foundation, common foundation, seismic voxel, seismic differential, seismic arc.