Jastarnia – The Cradle Of Polish Sea Sailing
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WIT Press
J. Charuta, A. Komorowski & A. Wojcik
This paper will deal with the program of building and the development of the port in Jastarnia in connection with the development of yachting in Poland. Jastarnia is located in the heart of Hel Peninsula. Its port was built between World War I and II by the Republic of Poland. The fishing harbour was built between 1926 and 1928. The first sailing boats had called at Jastarnia long before the Marina was built between 1927 and 1930. Since that time Jastarnia has not only become a fishing port and a tourist resort, but a sailing centre for young Polish and foreign yachtsmen. During WW II Jastarnia was totally destroyed. Just after the war it was rebuilt and, in 1966, the whole port was completely modernized. In 1973 Jastarnia was given civic rights. Now the town has a population of about 4,000 people. In 1932 the first offshore and ocean going yachts including the \“Wojewoda Pomorski”, the \“Szkwal”, the \“Swarozyc”, or the \“Poswist” formed the core of yachts flotilla in Jastarnia. Two years later the \“Zawisza Czarny” was purchased by the Scouts Association, enriching the flotilla of yachts. In 1947, Jastarnia became the home port of the \“General Zaruski”, the flagship of the flotilla. Many yacht masters were trained and first crews went sailing on board the yachts. Some generations of Polish sailors have grown up and been trained in Jastarnia. Nowadays, Jastarnia is not only a seaside resort with cultural events for visitors but also a fishing harbour and a sailing center with all possible facilities to practice these sports. Keywords: historic port, sailing history, yachting training center. 1 Introduction The location of Poland between strong neighbours quite often caused arguments concerning the territory of the seaside. This Slavonic region temporarily belonged to other nations, and only in 14 th and 15 th century it was permanently
historic port, sailing history, yachting training center.