Living–dwelling: The Importance Of Half-private Spaces In The Neighbourhoods On The City Border Line
Free (open access)
Page Range
223 - 234
255 kb
Paper DOI
WIT Press
M. Zinoski, S. Solarska, I. Medarski, O. Marina
In order to perform a participatory action project within local community, it is necessary to establish research with social aspects significant for the residents of the particular neighbourhood. The key assumption of this participatory research project is founded on collaboration between residents, local authorities and experts and tends to emphasize the small scale of half-private space as a model of social sustainability. Considering the identity of living space, certain similarities arise as an important issue regarding the coherency of a built structure. Therefore, the importance of half-private space becomes an important aspect of a well-defined neighbourhood. This paper presents the research where students, dwellers and the local municipality – all stakeholders from different areas – work together on a participatory action. In order to fulfil the problematic of the usage of half private spaces, the neighbourhood on the border of the city is emphasized. The phenomena of emerging city border neighbourhoods appeared during the period of industrialization of the city of Skopje. Different schools from different areas of expertise are involved in the educational process because education nowadays has a global influence. Students have learned how to create and use analytical tools in the process of creating a program which has social significance for the inhabitants. A common topic was established – the importance of half-private spaces. In addition to the students, as a part in this project, the municipality and residents also benefit from this educational process. Governing in a smaller scale – part of the city – the municipality also becomes part of the transformation of a contemporary Balkan city. The residents can realize that their half-private spaces could have new social significance and become a social condenser.
social condenser, half-private, city-border, neighbourhood