WIT Press

Some Experiences Simulating Ground Vibration Through FEM Models


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WIT Press


J. Toraño, R. Rodríguez, I. Diego & A. Pelegry


This paper tries to show the development of a FEM model to predict ground vibrations due to blasting, a very complex problem involving many factors very difficult to quantify: ground anisotropy and its randomn behaviour, aleatory variations in the blasting shots initiation, the different actions of each shot over the rock mass, measurements liability used in model calibration (seismograph resolution or correct sensor fixation), etc. The analysis of a wide blasting with a high number of shots could guide one to define a very complex problem. We will try to simplify the problem using a blasting with a low number of shots, but where all the referred complex factors are still present, and it is taken as an example to explain what problems we usually encounter and how to operate when we work on blasting modelization. Keywords: ground vibrations, blasting, vibration monitoring, FEM modelling. 1 Introduction Within the framework of a research program granted with public funds coming from the Spanish Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry for Development), several FEM models are being developed in order to predict ground vibrations produced due to blasting, which are capable of producing damages to surrounding structures. In a previous phase, Toraño and Rodríguez [1], we reached an initial goal by developing models capable of predicting the vibration through the ground transmission law. Beginning from them, new models have been developed that allow us to predict not only the particle maximum velocity but also the complete wave shape. Another planned research goal is to use general software instead using specific blasting software, in order to give better applicability results.


ground vibrations, blasting, vibration monitoring, FEM modelling.