WIT Press

Response Of Columns And Joints With Spiral Shear Reinforcement


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WIT Press


C. Karayannis & G. Sirkelis


In this study the behavior of reinforced concrete members with rectangular spiral shear reinforcement under cyclic loading is experimentally investigated. In this direction two pairs of specimens are tested. The first pair of specimens comprises two exterior beam-column joints while the second one comprises two column specimens. The first specimen of each pair has rectangular spiral shear reinforcement whereas the latter has common stirrups. Both beam-column specimens have been suffered the same full cyclic deformation with increasing amplitude and 2 full cycles at every step. Also, both column specimens have been suffered the same increasing full cyclic deformation with 2 full cycles at every step. The results of the tested specimens reinforced with rectangular spiral reinforcement are compared with the results of the specimens reinforced with stirrups, in terms of maximum loading and energy absorption per step, and ductility capacity. From the observed responses of the tested specimens it can be deduced that the use of rectangular spiral reinforcement in the reinforced concrete members improved the seismic capacity of all the examined specimens. Keywords: beam-column joints, columns, spiral shear reinforcement. 1 Introduction It is generally accepted that the use of continuous spiral reinforcement in reinforced concrete elements with cyclic cross section can substantially improve the strength and the ductility of the concrete and henceforth the total seismic response and capacity of the structural element (Park and Paulay [7], Saatcioglu and Razvi [9], Sheikh and Toklucu [10]). International codes in these cases


beam-column joints, columns, spiral shear reinforcement.