WIT Press

Modified Model Of A Plate Based On The Winkler Foundation


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WIT Press


T. Karamanski & K. Kazakov


A modified model of a foundation plate based on Winkler's hypothesis is proposed. The "modified Winkler's model" takes into account the action of the soil massif beyond the contour of the foundation plate via the application of an additional stiffness along its contour. The formula for the evaluation of the Winkler's constant for this additional stiffness is derived. The comparison between the model "elastic media" and the "modified Winkler's model" is performed by the FEM using software system ANSYS. The verification of the proposed method is performed on the structure of a residential building founded on a foundation plate. The results for the vertical deflection and the bending moments in the foundation plate using the "modified Winkler's model" are close to the results when we used "elastic media" model. So we create an effective tool for engineers by using the simple Winkler's hypothesis which increases the accuracy of the results. 1 Introduction The equation describing the bending of a plate on elastic foundation is: ) , ( ) , ( ) , ( 2 2 y x р y x q y x w D −=∇∇(1) A great number of foundation models are known, i.e. of the connection between the vertical deflection w and the ground reaction q. The representation of the soil as a layer of solid finite elements is logical and plausible, however, it is complicated with respect to numerical modeling, and on the other hand not all software systems provide this possibility. Unlike this, the Winkler’s model is much easier to apply. It is characterized by simple and visual representation of the process of modeling, as well as of the numerical results.
