WIT Press

Phase Shifters Or Optoelectronic Delay Line Application To Sequential Analysis Of Space In Adaptive Phased Array Antennas


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WIT Press


Z. Bielecki, W. Kołosowski, M. Muszkowski & E. Sędek


In the case of the increasing number of frequency users, more attention is paid to effective usage of allocated frequency bands by operators and special services. Adaptive space filtering is a great advance in phase array antenna application. The main advantage of this kind of phased array antenna is the flexible antenna characteristics shaped possibility by amplitude and phase changes of antenna supply signals. Dynamic beam shape control needs to apply digital phase shifters. The resolution of phase shifters depends on a number of control bits. The dependence of phase shifter resolution on directional antenna characteristics is presented in this paper. Because of the large cost of phase shifters and attenuators applied to adaptive phased array antennae, the optoelectronic approach has been presented. In this case, high resolution beam positioning is obtained, which is not possible in digital phase shifters application. Keywords: array antenna, adaptive phased arrays antenna. 1 Introduction Application of adaptive phased arrays antennas provides detection of required signals and attenuation of noise (reference) signals. The main feature of this kind of antenna is flexible and continuous shaping of directional characteristics by the change of amplitude and phase relations between signals of different antenna elements. Practical applications of adaptive antennas need to solve difficult technological problems like selection of transmitter-receiver modules, phase shifters, power dividers and connection lines. A number of those components can exceed a few hundreds. Rapid development of optoelectronic components,


array antenna, adaptive phased arrays antenna.