WIT Press

Valuation Of The Non-market Benefits Of Groundwater Protection


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WIT Press


T. Lundhede & B. Hasler


The benefits of groundwater protection are estimated to assess the non-marketed benefits associated with increased protection of the groundwater resource, as compared to the current level of groundwater protection, and compared to purification of groundwater for drinking water purposes. The study comprises the valuation of the effects on both drinking water quality and the quality of surface water recipients, expressed by the quality of the living conditions for wild animals, fish and plants in lakes and waterways. The Discrete Choice Experiments method (CE) was used for the valuation. The results indicate that there is a significantly positive willingness to pay for groundwater protection, where the willingness to pay for drinking water quality exceeds that for surface water quality. This result supports the current Danish groundwater policy and the Water Framework Directive that aims for a holistic government of the aquatic environment. Keywords: valuation, non-market goods, integrated groundwater management. 1 Introduction The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires measures necessary to achieve good chemical and ecological water status in the water bodies, i.e. in groundwater, water courses, wetlands, lakes, rivers and fjords. Values for the non-marketed effects of water protection should be undertaken for water pricing and Cost Benefit Analyses of different options and policies. A valuation study on the effects of Danish options for groundwater protection is carried out, and the results from this study can be used in the further work to obtain "standard" values of different water uses in Denmark. More details on this study can be found in Hasler et al. [1].


valuation, non-market goods, integrated groundwater management.