WIT Press

A Preliminary Investigation Of Interaction Between Ozone And Particulates In An Oceanic Temperate Climate


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WIT Press


F. Adeeb & D. Shooter


A preliminary investigation of interaction between ozone and particulates in an oceanic temperate climate Farah Adeeb & David Shooter School of Environment and Marine Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Abstract Results from smog chamber studies indicate that some Ozone (O3) loss occurs in the atmosphere through being adsorbed on the surface of particulate matter present in the atmosphere. However, the field measurements, which can provide better clues to what exactly happens in the real atmosphere is lacking. The present study is based on concurrent measurement of O3 concentration, particulate concentration and meteorological data during summer and winter periods from three different sites in Auckland, New Zealand. Multivariate data analysis technique was used for quantification of the relationship between the two pollutants. Monitoring revealed that both O3 and Coarse Particulate Matter (CPM) exhibit diurnal variation, while the Fine Particulate Matter (FPM) concentration does not show any distinct pattern with respect to the time of the day. FPM concentration is higher in winter and low in summer, while CPM follows a totally opposite seasonal pattern. There was a significant increase in the mass concentration of both pollutants (i.e. O3 and particulates) when air mass passed over the Auckland city compared to its origin in the marine sector. It was found that the relationship between O3 and particulate concentration varied among the three sites. Two of the sites (i.e. coastal and urban) showed no significant (positive or negative) relationship between ozone and particles (either FPM or CPM). For the third site (i.e. rural), it was found that CPM concentration played a significant role in determining variability in O3 concentration. Potential reasons are suggested for this difference.
