WIT Press

The System Of Human Resource Development In Energy Saving In The Ural Region


Free (open access)





Page Range

1205 - 1211




254 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


V. U. Baldin, N. I. Danilov & G. I. Khudyakova


A system of education in the field of energy saving has been developed, built and successfully used for a number of years in the Ural region. In the Ural Federal University (UrFU) the \“Energy Savingˮ Department and Regional Learning and Teaching Centre were created in 1999. At the present time more than 2000 senior students of ten institutes and of a number of UrFU territorial branches listen to lectures and study energy saving and energy efficiency issues at the practical studies yearly at the \“Energy Savingˮ Department. In teaching the above mentioned disciplines a problematic-topical approach is used. It promotes forming a high level of concern and motivation among students to study and master the bases of theoretical and practical activity, enabling them to get the most actual and reliable information. Employees of the department have prepared and published a considerable volume of courseware and scientific-andtechnological literature on the problems of energy saving and raising efficiency of energy usage, forming an academic system, which includes different levels and types of knowledge, methods of educating. Masters’ preparing has been started together with the department \“Atomic power stations and renewable energy sourcesˮ with the deepened studying energy saving and energy efficiency issues. Taking this experience into account, an education standard of UrFU \“Energy saving and energy efficiency raising in industry and budget sphereˮ. Thus, a complex approach for creating and constantly improving the system of energy saving specialists’ preparation has been realized and is being developed in the territory of the Ural region. Keywords: system of education, energy saving, energy efficiency raising in industry and budget sphere, different levels and types of knowledge, methods of educating, courseware and scientific-and-technological literature, masters’ preparing, Ural region.


system of education, energy saving, energy efficiency raising in industry and budget sphere, different levels and types of knowledge, methods of educating, courseware and scientific-and-technological literature, masters’ preparing, Ural region.