WIT Press

Modeling Of Capacitance Relaxation Phenomena In A Malignant Membrane


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Page Range

247 - 253




237 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


T. K. Basak, K. Bhattacharya, S. Halder, S. Murugappan, V. Cyril Raj, T. Ravi, G. Gunasekaran & P. Shaw


Electrical Impedance scanning (EIS) is a new technique in which moderate variations in capacitance values are reflected by the cells of various type of normal membrane. The malignant membrane, in contrast, in EIS demonstrates significant capacitance relaxation phenomena concomitant with α dispersion in the low audio frequency range. The author has endeavored to establish the above stated phenomena. In his experimental setup, the lipoprotein constituent of the membrane was dissolved in acetone solvent and the interaction of the dissolved lipoprotein in the presence of electrical stimuli in the lower audio frequency range at room temperature of about 25ÂșC was studied. The capacitance relaxation phenomena concomitant with α dispersion in the malignant membrane for subjects below and above 50 years has been simulated in MATLAB 6.5. The model incorporates a modified homeostat comprising of a homeostat and transduction phase in the feedback path and it represents the interaction of the lipoprotein in a malignant membrane associated with α dispersion mediated through capacitance relaxation phenomena. Results from the output of the model are in close conformity with the capacitance relaxation phenomena, which suggest an adjunctive detection modality in the differentiation of membrane malignancy that is equivocal on Ultrasonography. Keywords: capacitance relaxation, malignant membrane, α dispersion, modified homeostat.


capacitance relaxation, malignant membrane, α dispersion, modified homeostat.