A cooperative framework for urban semi- actuated signal control at signalized T-intersections in mixed traffic flow
Free (open access)
Volume 6 (2022), Issue 2
Page Range
122 - 142
Paper DOI
WIT Press
Fayez Alanazi & Ping Yi
Cities are suffering because of the rapid urbanization and population boom, which lead to increasing the load on the current traffic systems. Current traffic systems also suffer from several problems such as traffic congestion. meanwhile, transportation engineering has rapidly evolved into a technical field, considerably induced by new technologies and algorithms to address today’s challenges. The rise of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) emerging technology has brought new prospects to the auto- mobile industry and transportation system during the past decade. This paper develops and evaluates a framework for CAVs to create additional suitable gaps to the minor road vehicles to reduce the interruption of the continuous flow on semi-actuated signalized intersections. A simulation platform was developed using VISSIM software to validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm improves the intersection performance where the major road delay decreases, and the intersection’s capacity increases. The throughput of the targeted intersection increased up to 34% when the cAvs penetration reaches 70%.
connected and automated vehicles, flow interruptions, mixed traffic, signalized intersection.