CPFD model for prediction of flow behavior in an agglomerated fluidized bed gasifier
Free (open access)
Volume 4 (2019), Issue 2
Page Range
105 - 114
Paper DOI
WIT Press
Nora C.I.S. Furuvik, Rajan Jaiswal, Rajan k. Thapa & Britt M.E.Moldestad
Renewable energy sources have significant potential for limiting climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions due to the increased global energy demand. Fluidized bed gasification of biomass is a substantial contribution to meeting the global energy demand in a sustainable way. however, ash-related problems are the biggest challenge in fluidized bed gasification of biomass. bed agglomeration is a result of interaction between the bed material and alkali metals present in the biomass ash. The agglomerates interfere with the fluidization process and might result in total de-fluidization of the bed. The study focuses on ash challenges related to the fluidization behavior in gasification of biomass. a model is developed and verified against results from previous performed experiments in a cold flow model of a bubbling fluidized bed. The commercial computational particle fluid dynamics (CPFD) software barracuda Virtual reactor is used for the computational study. The simulations show that the CPFD model can predict the fluidization process of an agglomerated fluidized bed gasifier.
agglomeration, Barracuda VR, bubbling fluidized bed, CPFD simulation, flow behavior.