Hygrothermal performance assessments of traditional timber-framed houses in Turkey by numerical analysis
Free (open access)
Volume 6 (2021), Issue 2
Page Range
143 - 156
Paper DOI
WIT Press
Seda Nur Alkan & Fatih Yazicioğlu
The aim of this research is to evaluate the hygrothermal performances of traditional timber-framed houses’ exterior walls in Turkey to create a base case scenario of hygrothermal behavior as a datum for conservation and restoration projects. There is a unique range of traditional timber-framed houses in Turkey varied according to geographical, social, economic, and cultural characteristics. They are hybrid constructions whereby an infilled timber-framed system is erected on the masonry walls. They are compositions of rectangular studs of wood and infill materials such as adobe, stone, and brick. Most constructed examples may be classified in groups of four depending on infill materials as follows: (1) timber-framed adobe infill, (2) timber-framed brick infill, (3) timber-framed stone infill, and (4) unfilled timber-framed. Within the scope of the research, one example from each type is selected for hygro- thermal performance assessments by applying the simulation program DELPHIN 6.1.1. This research is concentrated on the evaluation of hygrothermal performances of the selected types over 4 years (January 01, 2010–January 01, 2014) by investigating the temperature, relative humidity, U-value, and moisture mass model graphics of the cross-section of the wall samples. 2010 was one of the raini- est years and 2013 was one of the less rainy years in the selected locations for the last 10 years. The findings of this paper indicate that when factors such as construction details, materials, and climatic conditions are varied, there may be humidity-based problems in the selected examples. In that case, intersection points of materials, layers, and their relationships should be re-evaluated to improve the hygrothermal performances of the selected walls for conservation and restoration projects.
DELPHIN 6.1.1, hygrothermal performance, infill materials, traditional timber-framed wall.