An optimization of the municipal solid waste in Abuja, Nigeria for electrical power generation
Free (open access)
Volume 4 (2019), Issue 1
Page Range
63 - 74
Paper DOI
WIT Press
O. M. Aderoju, U.G. Ombe Gemusse & A. Guerner Dias
Currently, Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, is experiencing an exponential increase in municipal solid waste (MSW) generation due to its rapid population growth, level of development, and its socioeconomic status among others. Moreover, MSW is an overburden to the Abuja environment in terms of its management and health risk to the inhabitants. However, MSW is utilized by some countries as fuel for energy generation through the waste to energy (WTE) approach. In view of this, the study aims at assessing the MSW in Abuja as a potential resource for electrical power generation and distribution. This study is focused on incineration with energy recovery as an immediate solution for MSW reduction, and a supplementary answer to erratic electric power supply to the people. The proximate and ultimate analyses in combination with the modified Dulong equation were employed to determine the gross calorific value (GCV). Results showed that the GCV was evaluated as 9,085 kcal/kg and the net calorific value (NCV) was evaluated as 9,067 kcal/kg. Furthermore, the power generation potential was enumerated using 10 and 50 tons of combustible MSW to arrive at 966 kWh and 4,832 kWh, respectively.
Dump site, Environment, Municipal solid Waste, Waste to Energy.