Conceptual design of smart farming solution for precise agriculture
Free (open access)
Volume 13 (2018), Issue 3
Page Range
307 - 314
Paper DOI
WIT Press
D. Budaev, A. Lada, E. Simonova, P. Skobelev, V. Travin, O.Yalovenko, G. Voshchuk & A.Zhilyaev
The paper presents precise agriculture as a complex adaptive system with high level of uncertainty and dynamics, in which knowledge is forming experimentally and in a very enterprise-specific way. Is there any opportunity to learn the best practices from advanced precise farmers, transfer their knowledge and support everyday decision making for regular farmers? The concept of Smart Farming as an augmented AI solution for precise agriculture is proposed. The solution is designed as a digital eco-system (system of systems) of smart services, where each service, in its turn, is an autonomous AI system. The paper also discusses functionality of smart services for precise agriculture and the service-oriented architec- ture of the solution with p2p interaction of services. Ontology-driven knowledge base and multi-agent technology are considered as the key technologies of the solution. The virtual “round table” for coordinated decision making of smart services is introduced. Finally, the paper presents results of the first applications, as well as the future steps and expected results.
multi-agent technology, ontology, precise agriculture, real time, smart farming.