Movement as a design parameter: studio works 2014–2016
Free (open access)
Volume 12 (2017), Issue 2
Page Range
194 - 203
Paper DOI
WIT Press
In the relationship of design and nature, movement is one of the major concepts that can be considered in every design scale. Therefore, this study tries to reveal the various integration of movement notion/ concept into design problems in architectural design education, aiming to use movement data as a design parameter. Space, time and movement are a very complex triple to articulate in a design problem but at the same time, the analysis of movement notion and search for its impacts in design, stretch the students’ way of design thinking.
Regarding the above statement, three courses are conducted as a series of design studios, within Istanbul Kemerburgaz University (IKBU) Department of Architecture. The case studies focused in this paper based on design projects take place during ARCH 101-Basic Design, ARCH 284-Introduction to Digital Design and ARCH 301-Architectural Design courses between 2014 and 2016. These courses aim to develop a common ground for a computational way of thinking in the curricula. Regarding this aim; all three courses are designed within a similar methodology that targets the integration of (1) capturing/recording (2) analyzing, and (3) embodying/materializing/articulation of movement into design process.
Finally, this paper is an experimental study on using movement data in design process of architectural design education. The results of the studios are compared within their processes, and it has been observed that when design experience increases, students tend to spend more time in materializing the design rather than capturing and analyzing the movements.
architectural design, computational thinking, design education, design thinking, movement.