Determination of load test conditions for rail fastenings of a floating slab track
Free (open access)
Volume 9 (2021), Issue 1
Page Range
14 - 27
Paper DOI
WIT Press
Shingo Tamagawa
In Japan, rail fastenings are required to be checked for their performance by the static loading test. The test is generally performed in the laboratory under the biaxial static loading conditions. The values of the loads and loading angles are determined by using the FEM model of the track. The author has developed the FEM model of a general slab track to determine the loads and loading angles for the laboratory test of rail fastenings. However, the conventional FEM model cannot be applied to the floating slab track. Therefore, in this study, the author has developed a FEM model of the floating slab track and proposes the determination method of load conditions based on a FEM analysis. Results showed that the determination method based on the FEM model can evaluate the performance of rail fastenings of the floating slab track with a higher accuracy than before.
FEM model, floating slab track, laboratory test, rail fastenings