A comparison of finite element simulation and experimental results from reinforced concrete columns wrapped with fibre-reinforced polymer subjected to blast loading
Free (open access)
Volume 8 (2020), Issue 3
Page Range
233 - 242
Paper DOI
WIT Press
Jeslin Quek, Liu Chunlin, John Vincent Musngi & Pavithra Buddika Malalasekara
Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) as a protective hardening system has now become more commonly used in enhancing the capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) elements against blast loadings. Wrapping RC columns with FRP, depending on the wrapping configuration, will result in additional axial, moment and shear capacity. The FRP also prevents debris from being blown off and serves as a catcher system which minimises the possible cause of injuries/casualties in the event of blast. While analytical models built into popular finite element modelling (FEM) software are widely used to simulate and analyse the effects of a blast load to a structural element, little work has been carried out to validate the results of such analysis through experimental means. This paper examines the effect of blast loadings onto RC columns wrapped with FRP. The behaviour of the FRP-wrapped RC columns subjected to blast loading is simulated using finite element analysis. Results from the finite element simulation are compared to the corresponding wrapping configuration from actual experimental results. The comparison validates the reliability of using finite element analysis in predicting the response of FRP-wrapped RC columns subjected to blast loading.
blast mitigation, fibre-reinforced polymer, finite element simulation.