Discontinuum Mechanics
Using Finite and Discrete Elements
Authors: S. MOHAMMADI, University of Tehran, Iran
$283.00 (free shipping)
328 + CD
"…this book is very well suited for researchers who need a quick overview and introduction to the state of the art of discontinuum mechanics, which is presented without sacrificing accuracy and depth."
The finite element method now provides a mature, powerful approach for the numerical simulation of various engineering and industrial applications, while the rapid development of computer models means the analysis of large-scale real discontinnum problems is now a reality.
Designed mainly for postgraduate students and researchers, this volume introduces the mathematical and computational concepts of contact mechanics which are increasingly used in this sometimes difficult field and highlights the main problems encountered when dealing with the highly complex phenomena of discontinuum mechanics.
The book can be classified in three parts. The first is dedicated to the basic concepts of constraint definitions and various methods for constraint enforcement as well as a short discussion on finite element discretization and necessary finite deformation theory as the bases of the combined finite/discrete element method. Part two is devoted to contact interaction and detection procedures while the final part describes progressive fracturing phenomena.
A CD-ROM containing a limited version of the UTdem discrete element code accompanies the book, and a sample manual for preparing the input data file is included as an appendix.