Multifunctional Landscapes Volume I
Theory, Values and History
Edited By: J. BRANDT, University of Roskilde, Denmark and H. VEJRE, The Agricultural University, Denmark
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Book Series Title
Advances in Ecological Sciences
Book Series
The pressure on land resources in densely populated industrialized countries is now immense. Multifunctional management is therefore a prerequisite for the sustainable use of landscapes, and the only general strategy that may address the problems created by constantly growing demands on resources arising from production, residence, dumping of waste, habitat, ecosystem services, and recreation.
Encouraging interdisciplinary discussions concentrating on a conscious and precise use of related concepts, and emphasizing the practical application of landscape sciences and management, Multifunctional Landscapes: Volumes I, II and III contain papers originally presented at the conference on this topic held in Roskilde, Denmark in 2000. These have since been peer-reviewed and revised for publication.
This volume stresses the importance of establishing a new framework for understanding and interpreting landscapes and their various functions and values in space and time. The contributions included are A Theoretical Foundation for the Study of Multifunctional Landscapes; Ecological Aspects of Multifunctional Landscapes in Historical Perspectives; and Values and Assessment of Multifunctional Landscapes.Multifunctional Landscapes: Volume II (ISBN: 1-85312-934-8) focuses on the discussion and research recommendations relating to three different aspects of future landscape research concerning planning and management, while Volume III (ISBN: 1-85312-935-6) highlights continuity and change.