Urban Transport VII
Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century
Edited By: L.J. SUCHAROV, Wessex Institute of Technology, United Kingdom and C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, United Kingdom
$676.00 (free shipping)
Book Series Title
Advances in Transport
Book Series
Transaction Series
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment
Transaction Volume
"Broad in scope, the book clearly delineates the many complex factors and problems that engineers, planners, and others in the field wrestle with in working on issues that will only grow in importance as more areas around the world become urbanized."
Current research on urban transport and the environment is as important as it is varied, while the issues involved are complex and often inter-related.
Containing the proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century, this volume addresses the environmentally effective integration of various modes of transport. The contributions come from researchers currently working around the world in government, academia and industry to understand the issues and to develop solutions. The international nature of the problem is therefore emphasized.
70 papers are included and these are grouped under the following headings: General Transport Systems; Railway Systems; Town Planning; Economic and Social Impact; Simulation Systems; Information Systems; Pollution and the Environment; Noise; Safety; Energy Efficiency; Vehicle Technology; and Barcelona Case Studies.