Maritime Engineering and Ports II
Edited By: C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, United Kingdom and J. OLIVELLA, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
$345.00 (free shipping)
Book Series Title
Water Studies
Book Series
Transaction Series
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment
Transaction Volume
This book examines the rapidly changing management, operation, design and building of maritime works and ports. It is essential for industry to incorporate new technologies into these areas in order to remain competitive and, as part of this process, it is necessary to create valid frames in which to present and analyse research activities developed by public and private enterprises and institutions.
The papers featured in this volume were originally presented at the Second International Conference on Maritime Engineering and Ports, a key forum for the discussion and interchange of information between managers, operators, designers and the scientific and academic communities.
Emphasis is placed on new areas of research and advanced subjects. Specific topics covered include port management, private and public ports, contributions from private and public sources, ship and port operators, multimode transportation in ports, environmental aspects, financial and legal aspects, multiuse of ports including tourism, marinas and port issues, information systems for ports and shipping, multimedia and other advanced techniques, systems of loading and unloading, emerging technologies in shipping and ports, man machine interfaces, standardisation, ergonomics in shipping, marine engineering works, maintenance problems, and construction of ports.