Air Pollution VIII
Edited By: J.W.S. Longhurst, University of the West of England, United Kingdom and C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, United Kingdom and H. Power, University of NottIngham, United Kingdom
$696.00 (free shipping)
Book Series Title
Advances in Air Pollution
Book Series
Transaction Series
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
Transaction Volume
Air pollution is one of the most challenging problems facing the international community. The human need for transport, manufactured goods and services brings impacts on the atmospheric environment both locally and globally. However, whilst there are examples of regulatory success in minimising such impacts, the rapid development of the global economy brings new pressures and the willingness to regulate is often limited by economic concerns. Science holds the key both to identifying the nature and scale of air pollution, its prediction and assessment, and to providing the necessary information for the regulatory decision making process.
This book contains state-of-the-art contributions from scientists working on various aspects of air pollution. Over 70 papers are included and these were first presented at the eighth in a highly successful series of international conferences focusing on this problem.
The topics covered are as follows: Air Pollution Modelling; Air Quality Management; Urban Air Pollution; Urban and Suburban Transport Emissions; Monitoring and Laboratory Studies; Global Studies; Comparison of Modelling with Experiments; Indoor Pollution; Pollution Engineering; Fluid Mechanics for Environmental Problems; Chemistry of Air Pollution; Aerosols and Particles; and Health Problems.