Wave Motion in Earthquake Engineering
Edited By: E. KAUSEL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and G.D. MANOLIS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
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Book Series Title
Advances in Earthquake Engineering
Book Series
Containing state-of-the-art information on new developments in seismic wave propagation, this volume features invited contributions from a select group of researchers whose work has recently been the focus of attention in journals and at conferences. It is designed to appeal to a broad audience of professionals working in the fields of structural dynamics, seismology, and earthquake engineering in general.
The book opens with an introduction to seismic wave motion by Francisco Sánchez-Sesma, Rosanna Vai, Elina Dretta and Victor Palencia, who examine the fundamentals of elastic wave propagation and of soil amplification. Pierre-Yves Bard and Judith Riepl-Thomas then elaborate on the influence of near-site topography and geology on wave motion, and discuss the impact of site effects on the development of seismic codes and regulations. Aspasia Zerva follows with a chapter on the closely related issue of spatial variability of ground motions, which has important implications in the design of spatially extended structures such as bridges and above-ground or underground pipelines.
Rafael Foinquinos and José Roësset next provide a concise review of the basic concepts related to wave propagation in layered media, and elaborate on the response of soils to dynamic loads applied on the surface.
Eduardo Kausel continues with a brief introduction to the thin-layer method, which he presents in the context of SH waves. Richard Shaw and George Manolis next consider the problem of elastic waves that propagate in vertically heterogeneous soil media. This is followed by Christos Vrettos's alternative view of wave motion in vertically inhomogeneous media in which he considers the propagation characteristics of waves in soils where the shear modulus and/or the mass density changes continuously with depth.
Nimal Rajapakse and T. Senjuntichai then address the general case of wave propagation through poroelastic layered materials. Dimitrios Rizos and Dimitrios Karabalis conclude the volume with a chapter on fluid-soil-structure-interaction, which includes a thorough review of past work on the subject.