Monitoring, Simulation and Remediation of the Geological Environment
Edited By: J.F. Martin-Duque, Complutense University, Spain, C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK, A.E. Godfrey, USDA Forest Service, USA and J.R. Diaz de Teran, University of Cantabria, Spain
$324.00 (free shipping)
Transaction Series
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
Transaction Volume
This book contains edited versions of papers presented at Geo-Environment - the first international conference on Monitoring, Management, Simulation and Remediation of the Geological Environment.
The role of geosciences in environmental management has been underestimated and we are still far from exploiting their full potential. An understanding of the properties of Earth’s materials and their dynamics is essential for unravelling problems in varying fields, such as air, soil or water pollution, soil erosion, waste disposal, water resources, and building materials and foundations. Understanding geological processes is also essential to other areas of study including the evaluation and mitigation of natural and man-induced hazards and risks, engineering, land preservation and restoration, landscape and urban planning, ecosystem inventories and natural heritage assessments.
Based on these principles, this book contains important presentations by researchers, engineers, planners, decision-makers, consultants and other professionals interested in the contribution of the geosciences and geo-information to sustainable development. The papers are divided under the following section headings: Earth’s Materials and Resources; Soil and Rock Properties; Earth’s Dynamics; Hydrological Studies; Natural Hazards and Risks; Vulnerability Studies; Environmental Planning and Management; Environmental Pollution and Remediation; Waste Management, Treatment and Disposal; and Environmental Modelling and Monitoring.