Air Pollution XIII
Edited By: C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
$598.00 (free shipping)
Transaction Series
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
Transaction Volume
Air Pollution continues to be a major cause of concern all over the world and is a problem that requires urgent attention. The contamination of our atmosphere affects the quality of life and has serious consequences for human health and climatic change. As the energy demands of the world´s population continue to increase at an accelerating rate, air pollution increases and the problem is becoming more difficult to solve.
This situation, which is in danger of becoming out of control, has resulted in a widespread awareness of the public to the degrees of air pollution. This has led to demands to find ways of stopping further deterioration of air quality and to start implementing remedial initiatives.
Air Pollution XIII presents some of the latest developments in this field, bringing together recent results and state-of-the-art contributions from researchers around the world. It contains the papers presented at the 13th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution. The aim of the Conference was to develop a better understanding of the problem and new tools for managing air quality.
This volume contains a series of important contributions to our knowledge in this important field. The papers are classified in the following sections; Air pollution modelling; Air quality management; Urban air pollution; Transport emissions; Comparison of model and experimental results; Monitoring and laboratory studies; Global and regional studies; Aerosols and particles; Urban air quality in Asian region; Emission inventories.